I lit some candles last night and became an artist in dreams.
I was cleaning and found the stash of candles from my Tree's house warming party. (Yep, I belong to a Tree.) They had carved words into the candles to bless my new home. Words such as: prosperity, wealth, health, positivity, laughter, and fun. I went to bed tired, earlier than usual, and woke up feeling refreshed.
I had a nice, new dream. Not that my old dreams aren't nice, but I tend to dream about the same thing or same theme quite often. Last night was new. I was driving a new to me, yet quite old red pickup truck. It had pictures all over the dashboard from the former owner of him, his family and his horses. I really liked this truck. It was smaller than my behemoth of a truck and had character. Perhaps I'll keep an eye out for it. I was driving this truck up a cobblestone street when I realized I needed to drive through this very small barn to get home. As I pulled into the barn I realized it was full of some type of black exotic chicken. Small, fuzzy grey chicks were running around everywhere and I nearly hit one. I stopped and jumped out to check on it when the farmer came running up. He was a middle aged Latino man, who was very concerned for his chick, yet very welcoming to me. He knew that his barn was a street that people had to drive through. After checking on his chick, which was unscathed, I told him I would help him stop the use of his barn as a street and get the city council to put in a new street instead. He was very appreciative. He told me I could finish driving through. I decided it would be best to back up and find a way around.
Back out on the cobblestone street I saw a beautiful white Victorian house with a large sign out front. I thought it was a "For Sale" sign. But, it was actually a sign with a large pencil drawing of my father on it. The sign read: "Anthony Maruffi Properties." My Mom and Aunt Cathy were on the front porch. I walked up with tears in my eyes.
"Mom, I thought you decided to sell this place!" I said to her.
"No, we decided that you should have it as your new shop," she told me.
"Shop for what?" I asked.
"Whatever you want," she said bringing me inside.
Trinity Ruggles was at the door.
That's the last thing I remember. I don't know what this place was, or where, but I do know that last night in my dream I became an artist. On that sign, clear as day was a wonderful pencil line drawing of my father. How in the world can my brain create a perfect drawing in my dreams, but there's no way I could ever recreate that while awake? (By the way, my father is alive and well. I think this sounds like he's deceased. But, he isn't.)
Perhaps the dream is telling me that I'm not done dreaming yet. I know that most of my biggest dreams have come true. And I'm incredibly thankful for that every single day. But, perhaps I forget I have more out there. I want to be a better witch and a better healer. I want to open up a tack store one day. And perhaps, I want a little, old, red truck.
I woke up suddenly and completely this morning. I didn't take Benadryl last night, which helps. That always makes me wake up slowly and groggily, and late. I'm trying to get off the 'dryl. It's not good for me. I don't want to have to take it because I'm so snotty that I can't breathe. I'm going to get back into Reiki and chakra work. I really enjoyed it when I was doing it. I felt empowered. And it's something I strongly believe in. If I have the power to help myself heal in my very own hands why am I not using it? Laziness. That's the only answer.
This year, I'm going to be less lazy. I can't say that I'm not going to be lazy because I know that's a lie. I like being lazy to an extent. But, as with most things I "Go big or go home." So, I do it all the way. And being lazy all the way just gets me a gut, a sugar belly, a pooch, a FUPA! Agh! Not a FUPA!!!
It's hard when it's the middle of winter and it's cold outside. I start my day by bundling up, feeding 5 horses and 2 donkeys and cleaning the barn. I work up a good sweat doing this. It makes me feel like that's my workout for the day and I can go inside and sit around. But, it should be just the beginning to my day. I don't usually eat breakfast before I feed horses. But, today I did. Today, I woke up, made tea and toast, blogged, and fed my dogs first. Today I'm going to do something I can be proud of. Perhaps today I'll suck it up and ride. Perhaps today I'll read a Reiki book. Perhaps today I won't be lazy. Perhaps today I'll be an artist while awake.