Dear February in Ohio,
I hate you. I hate your below freezing temperatures. I hate that it's too cold to go ride. I've ridden in the teens before, and my fingers almost fell off. I'm not going to even attempt single digits (pun intended.) I hate that all you have is snow and cold and this sun that tempts me to go outside because sunny days should mean warm days. I miss warm days. I'm ready for spring, and summer, and fall. I'm ready for rain, mud, sunbathing, swimming, faire rehearsals, riding in tank tops, and sweating in all the glory that is the 80's.
There is a big part of me that wants to embrace 6 degrees Fahrenheit. I want to bundle up and go play with the dogs and ride my horses. And maybe I should just suck it up. Complaining hasn't gotten us anywhere. . .ever. But, I'm just letting you know that I'm threatening to leave. I don't want to. But, I'm sick and tired of your frigid winters, full of snow and ice. Arizona is looking pretty darn good right about now. You better shape up before this Ohioan decides to find a clime better suited to being outdoors every day of the year. I won't even miss snow at Christmas, I betcha.
I used to stand up for you too! And this is how you treat me?! I always said, "I like winter. I enjoy getting all bundled up and riding." And I meant it too! But, you have gone too far! It's been below freezing for 3 months now. Maybe you've forgotten how the year works. There are 12 months in a year. There are 4 seasons. That means each season is 3 months long. You are over. It is time for spring. Tomorrow, I expect all of this snow to melt, and it should be 40 degrees outside. Then, you can work up to the 50's for next week. I fully expect 60 degrees by April and 70 by May. If you could just cooperate you'd make a whole lot of people happy. And when people are happy they are more willing to work. Thus, more things will get accomplished and life will move on as it should.
I'll be sure to thank you properly while I'm out brushing the mud off of Smokey for an hour before I can even think about riding him.
Your former love,