Strider is laying on top of Tempie, chewing on "snurffle ball" and making whiney "I'm gonna eat your face" noises. I have a cup of coffee. I can hear Wayland in the bathroom getting out of the shower. It's a morning full of life, my life. I like my life. I like where it has taken me, and all the journeys I encountered along the way. Ten years ago I could have never predicted I'd be here, in this chair, in this house, with these dogs, married to this man. I love my life.
Ten years ago I kept a journal. I wrote in it every day. I told it about who broke my heart, who I kissed, what I bought at the mall, and in which city I last saw *NSYNC. Those were good days. So, I'll pick it up again. Only this time I'll give blogging a shot. Let's see how good my targeting is.
Another faire season has just ended and another cast party is behind us. I must say I'm thankful for social networking sites that keep all of us connected in the off season. I remember my first few years of faire. Megan and I shopped all winter, just the two of us. Now, I can't get rid of these people! All year long there are parties, and dinners, and gatherings! It truly is a blessing to be surrounded by rennies all year long. I look forward to this weekend when I get to go pick apples and pumpkins with my brothers and sisters of my coven. Another day spent with rennies, followed by more delicious food at the Gubbe residence. Is it Saturday yet? No.
It's Wednesday. Another day of class, homework, and studying. All I have to do is make it through the rest of this quarter. Then, I get to enjoy another month off, hopefully a month full of riding my horses. I get to kick it off with a friend's wedding and a weekend get-a-way with Wayland. December is going to be a good month. I will be sad to see October go, as always. But, I welcome the impending winter, which in turn will skip spring entirely and go straight to summer. Which once again brings us back to faire.